12 Jun 2008
There’s a new podcast in town y’all, and wooeee is it good. (A little Southern lingo for you there). Keith “The Elder” Elder and Chris “Woody” Woodruff, two extremely smart gentlemen who I have the honor of knowing, have recently begun podcasting about Development and Technology with a Southern Twang.
The title and theme of this endeavor? Why, Deep Fried Bytes of course!
10 Jun 2008
Just a heads up to my faithful readership, I’ll be speaking about IronRuby at erubycon this August. It’ll be my first
public speaking engagement at a technical conference, and my first real public speaking since High School (in-house presentations don’t count in my book). I’m quite nervous but it’s a topic I’m passionate about so I’m really excited as well. The title of the talk is_ “Because Iron is Battleship Gray: IronRuby In The Real World”_, and it won’t mention Silverlight or Rails. Ruby is so much more than glitz and glam, and I think that tends to get lost in the hype. She’s a sexy lady, but she’s got brains too!
09 Jun 2008
Back in January I did a post on getting started with IronRuby. That post was based on Rev. 75 of the SVN tree. As of today (June 9th) the SVN tree is up to Rev. 113. Obviously with things like RailsConf and TechEd driving a lot of the core teams work, a number of things have changed since January. This post will basically be a rehash of the previous one, but updated for all the new quirks that have been introduced.
06 Jun 2008

20 Apr 2008
Saw this post on objo’s blog, apparently it’s a meme of some kind, though his was the first I’ve seen. But I thought it was pretty cool none the less. Here’s mine: