08 Sep 2008
I had the pleasure of spending this past weekend with a group of about two dozen of the most talented and
passionate developers in this region, and some from outside. This was no ordinary conference though, this was camping! We had no electricity, no flushing toilets, and a hand pump for running water. The great thing about the lack of power though is that distraction was at an absolute minimum, all we could really do was talk and listen. I kept a camp journal, below is the transcription (with some embellishment):
29 Aug 2008
I had the pleasure of being interviewed along side Aaron Junod on the Alt.NET Podcast to discuss IronRuby. 
27 Aug 2008
I had the pleasure of attending devLink this past weekend in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Honestly, I almost blew this conference off. The sessions really didn’t appeal to me, and it was a bit of a hike to get to. But then Amanda Laucher announced the DevLink Bus. And I started to waver… Then I heard that Alan Stevens would be organizing Open Spaces during the conference. I was sold.
27 Aug 2008
One of the things I went over in my eRubyCon talk was the relative performance of IronRuby compared to both JRuby
(which I consider to be a cousin of sorts to IronRuby) and MRI. I did this by running the same tests that Antonio Cangiano ran in December.
25 Aug 2008
What a fantastic conference this was two weeks ago. A great lineup of speakers, and fantastic after event gatherings. And I missed the first day! Josh Holmes has a great series of posts detailing the event, so I won’t repeat the play by play here. But I can say that I will definitely be making the trip to Columbus for eRubyCon 2009.