A New Day Dawns...

Microsoft is releasing the majority of their API and promising not to sue OpenSource for interoperability. It’s brought of a “broad interoperability strategy”.


The Grass May Not Be Greener Yet, But The Soil Is More Fertile

The founder of the Ruby.NET project announced yesterday that he is leaving active development of that project and moving over to fully supporting the IronRuby effort. Based on everything I’ve heard about Dr. Kelly and Ruby.NET, this is fantastic news. Hopefully this will spurn even more activity on the IronRuby project. Some of the important quotes from his post are:


(Semi) Practical IronRuby

So you followed the quick start I posted earlier, and you’re thinking “So what? What good is IronRuby and DLR to me?” The DLR provides an extensible, powerful way to add scripting capabilities to your application. Let’s take a look at how IronRuby and C# can really interact. We’ll create an “IronLogo” application, consisting of a windows form we can draw on utilizing a simple DSL implemented in Ruby. Commands can be loaded via a file or through a console.


IronRuby Quick Start

IronRuby is Microsoft’s, with collaboration by the public, implementation of Ruby on their Ruby LogoDynamic Language Runtime. There’s another version of Ruby for .NET called, ironically, Ruby.NET that runs directly on the CLR. This post won’t be about that though, if you want to see a comparison, look here for a fairly good write up.


Developer Events In North East Ohio

North East Ohio seems to suffer from a dearth of good Developer centric events. And the events we do get seem to be poorly advertised. And the developers who would be interested in planning and implementing events can often have a hard time finding like minded souls. To help alleviate both problems, I am implementing the North East Ohio Developer Events blog and Google group. The blog is intended as a place where North East Ohio based developers can hear about upcoming events that may interest them, while the Google group is a place where those passionate North East Ohio developers can collaborate and plan events. I’m hoping that we can really get some activity going in this region, I truly think it’s under appreciated, and I know others feel as I do. The blog kicks off with details on the next Cleveland ArcReady event. I hear word of an upcoming Coding Dojo, with other talk of a Code Camp and rumors of a possible DevCares event both in the near future. As I get details they will be announced on the NEODevEvent blog.