Query Analyzer, Resurrected.

Carpe Datum over at MSDN talks about people wanting Query Analyzer back over Management Studio. I admit, the lack of Query Analyzer has been a source of ire for me as well. I like the default Management Studio for editing databases and what not, but if I want to whip up a quick query or something I miss query analyzer. Unfortunately the solution he provides causes Management Studio to always assume you want to run a query. After a bit of fooling around, I came up with a batch routine that seems to mimic Query Analyzer pretty well. I present to you isqlw.bat :)

@echo off<br></br>if  '%1'=='' goto nofile<br></br>goto file<br></br>:nofile<br></br>echo. > %TEMP%\Untitled.sql<br></br>start sqlwb -nosplash %TEMP%\Untitled.sql<br></br>goto end<br></br>:file<br></br>start sqlwb -nosplash %1<br></br>:end<br></br>

Are You Just In It For The Money?

Peter Van Ooijen made a post today that ended up being Kicked and generated some discussion. Basically he’s saying that a Software Architect should code. I agree. A Software Architect should be someone who is passionate about technology and development. Some people say they were never given time to code. I say that’s bullshit. Are you a developer for the pay, or because it’s something you love?


Microsofties Aren't Robots? Perish The Thought...

Glenn Bock over at Microsoft recently blogged that he was not a robot because he uses the following non-Microsoft technologies: A Mac Mini (which really doesn’t count, Microsoft doesn’t make computers and as far as I am aware they still write software for the Mac), an iPod, Yahoo, Google, NUnit (MS tech related), Firefox, OpenSource, Resharper (MS tech related), Ruby on Rails, and Linux. That’s all well and good, but would he still follow the Programming Promises? I bet he at least tries, though I’d also guess he’s a tad biased. :) Regardless he’s also right in he wouldn’t be doing a good job if he wasn’t examining and using alternatives, especially when they were better then the items he could dogfood. It’s a reminder that we all need to continually be exploring and expanding our exposure to technology from all fronts.


Microsoft: Cool or Stuffy?

Janelle at Microsoft had an interesting post asking if Microsoft was cool or not. She argues that since Microsoft launched Halo 3 and is rumored to be talking to Facebook that there should be some coolness points awarded. My personal take? Microsoft has cool people, that do cool things. But the two examples she gives are both things that Microsoft did not internally develop. Halo 3 is a Bungie product, and they’re specifically talking about buying Facebook, not creating it. This tells me that Microsoft knows cool when they see it, but are they able to produce coolness themselves? Sure somethings they have are cool, Tafiti, CodeToLive is cool, alot of the stuff out of Microsoft Research is too. But is SharePoint cool? Is BizTalk? Do they need to be? Should they be? Coolness doesn’t sell to CIOs, cool _does _play well with the people actually having to work with the products though. These are the people that will ask for or recommend things to the CIO. So by necessity I think Microsoft has to be Cool on the one side and Suit on the other. What do you think? Does Microsoft need to be cooler? Or is it hip to be square?


ArcReady, CodeToLive, and Sidewalks 2.0

Attended the Microsoft ArcReady event yesterday. Got a chance to see Brian H. Prince and Josh Holmes again. I always look forward to try to absorb what I can from these two, very very bright guys.