18 May 2007
Microsoft has announced the private alpha of PopFly (love the .ms domain BTW!), their Yahoo Pipes! competitor. Looks like there’s a bit of social networking involved as well with the ability to vote on user’s projects and track their progress. One of the big things going in Microsoft’s favor is the Visual Studio integration. See some details here. I asked for an invite so we’ll see….
11 May 2007
The latest issue of Redmond Developer News has a column by William F. Zachmann (got to have the middle initial), BTW he doesn’t appear to have a blog…I’m not quite sure how I feel about that. Somehow blogless commentators feel less “authorative” to me…or something. Anyway, he talks about a phenomenon that he terms GWHHMs or Gwhyms, otherwise known as “Geeks WHo Hate Microsoft”. His main point is a good one: “Remain open to alternatives that make sense when they do in fact make sense.” However, I think he comes down a bit to harshly on the “alternatives” in my opinion.
10 May 2007
Ah the first real blog post in a while, and even this is late, hoping to get back in the groove here with this one!
12 Apr 2007
![Where's the Relief?](http://farm1.static.flickr.com/193/456715298_0e30827957.jpg)
02 Apr 2007
It’s been way too long, way too busy. How Busy? Why….this busy!