Announcing Zliby -- All Zlib, Pure Ruby
15 Mar 2008A few weeks ago Dr. Wayne Kelly posted on the IronRuby mailing list the set of libraries and methods that had to be implemented in order to perform a rubygems setup. This is an important first step towards full rails support. I volunteered to take on the task of porting the Zlib library. I thought, why not implement it in pure Ruby, that way there would be no external dependencies. It would have to be API compatible with the ruby-core Zlib implementation, so it could be used in place of the natively compiled libraries.
After about a week of hacking on it, I’ve decided to make the initial public release of Zliby. Right now the only thing that’s implemented is Zlib::Inflate’s inflate functionality and Zlib::GzipReader’s read functionality. Eventually all of the ruby-core Zlib API will be implemented, and I hope to add other compression support going forward. Before you ask, yes it’s slower then a native implementation, but it’s portable, and has not be optimized for speed in any way yet. Also, since it’s being developed for use in IronRuby, there are a few constructs that I can’t currently use (Array#pack for instance) though I will be able to in the future. Comments, feedback, and suggestions welcome!