Agile Summer Camp Recap

I had the pleasure of spending this past weekend with a group of about two dozen of the most talented andAgileSummerCamp passionate developers in this region, and some from outside. This was no ordinary conference though, this was camping! We had no electricity, no flushing toilets, and a hand pump for running water. The great thing about the lack of power though is that distraction was at an absolute minimum, all we could really do was talk and listen. I kept a camp journal, below is the transcription (with some embellishment):


We have arrived at Agile Summer Camp. After claiming a bottom bunk in the rear of the cabin, I am sitting in my camp chair enjoying a beer while Brandon Joyce, funky town dancer extraordinaire, cranks the camp radio so we can listen to Chef (RIP) croon on a 70s station. Sadukie is dead-tree blogging and Woody and Matt Werstler have gone for firewood. We are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Mike Eaton who has recently called and is nearby.

Suddenly, a car arrives. Could this be Mr. Eaton? Or a guy with a chainsaw (I hope he has bud light!). It turns out to be Josh Holmes (who looks like he could have a chainsaw…). He is followed shortly by Eaton, and then others.

There was a guest log in the back of the cabin packet that contained a riddle, as people arrived we asked for them to take it on, but no one could come up with an answer, see if you can:

> > We buried the loot where the fish used to swim > > > > 40 paces westerly of monitor, third stopper (not for bathtub) from the left. one foot down right side. > > > > 1st Clue: Are you good enough? > > > > -John from Beaverton May 26, 2008 > >

The evening ends with awesome discussions on community and a few already on the topic of agile. Also me and Mike Eaton finish a fifth and a pint of Jack ourselves (okay Steve Andrews helped a little).


CLANK! CLING! CLANG! I am roused from my fitful sleep by the sharp cry of metal to metal. I change in my sleeping bag and make my way out of the cabin to find turkey sausage and eggs being cooked on the, now assembled, camp stove….

The rest of the journal devolves into generic notes, most of which can be found here (along with a lot more detail on the actual sessions).

Needless to say it was very educational and loads of fun.